Become Your Child's
(real-life) Superhero

In a world where distractions have become the norm, we provide dynamic engagement tools to help parents be more present with their kids now
(because they won’t stay children for long)

4.7 out of 5 stars from 47 reviews

"Being a parent is like having a job with a tremendous salary but often finding yourself too busy with 'work' to truly enjoy the money."

- Mykal White

The Parent-Child relationship

The problem we solve

Technology isn’t the problem.  Nor is the problem with our devices.
Parents today are “busier” than ever—just ask them. Yet, the hard reality is that you get only so many opportunities to enjoy your kids while they are still kids. But children don’t stay children for very long.

In the parent-child story that unfolds each day between you and your little ones, the Real villain is Time.

55% of parents confess to not being fully engaged when spending time with their children.

This is the problem we solve. 

Parent Journaling, "reimagined".

Breadcrumbs Lane is how you’ll remain more engaged, present and empowered with your kids today.

It’s why you’ll never lose focus on the one thing your child wants from you more than anything – your undivided attention.

How it Works

Step 1

Recognize the 'bankable' moment

Step 2

Jot it down (within 24 -48 hours)

Step 3

Deposit it into your child's Paperbank

By design, childhood

Perks of this process

More engaged parenting now
Elevate the connection you share with your children 
Casually create a beautiful collection of memories over time

Our Three Pillars:

The Anchors

Preserve Childhood Memories
Strengthen the Bond
Provide an Invaluable Resource

The secret to truly mindful parenting is in the memories we make and preserve for our children's future.

Create the breadcrumbs that will lead your children back to the best and most beautiful parts of life together.

Because adulthood lasts forever, but childhood happens just once.